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Перевод текста песни Никсель

Kuznetsky Squad

Исполнитель: Kuznetsky Squad
Название: Никсель

Give love to girls looking Niksel Pixel

Stir bitches on the bed, it's a mixer

So much dirt from the models in my mix

. only whom? Feminists'

Give love to girls looking Niksel Pixel

Stir bitches on the bed, it's a mixer

So much dirt from the models in my mix

. only whom? Feminists'

I'm in a huge ass, I'm for Badi-positive

Those bitches I leaked are going to rallies.

I jumped at the rap on the headstock, not afraid to fall

I'm crying, my babies are pouring in her mouth

I'll kick that shit more than all the Russian athletes

Fake Ems are all looking for us, but they don't know where we are.

I'm swimming in cash, my dad's not even a Cop.

Zyuganov says he . me in the mouth

Mixed up gender, but I take her any

Her boyfriend doesn't care because he doesn't exist.

My sneakers with her hair dye

Oh, shit, is this sex

Gets wet after finding out I'm a blogger from Telegram

I Niksel, but hotpixel this great lady

If would Theme Isakov, read

I love big ass, it's Badi-positive

Bitchy bitch like Maleficent

Sticks to me like duct tape.

Wants to play, show documents

Jump on me, Fedya likes brunettes

Does not understand half of the text,

But she sings to me every song

I'm putting credit in her student book.

I'm putting credit in her student book.

Give love to girls looking Niksel Pixel

Stir bitches on the bed, it's a mixer

So much dirt from the models in my mix

Give love to girls looking Niksel Pixel

Stir bitches on the bed, it's a mixer

So much dirt from the models in my mix

. only whom? Feminists'

. only bitches from the Hse

Making a movie like Harvey Weinstein (camera)

I spill milkshake every night.

My voice is an orgasm to her ears

Bardeli with fans from the concert

Each of them has a square of different colors

Personal life, endless summer

Which features some cheppindi

I'm not a fan of useless gifts.

I bought your bitch implants.

Bitch so wants to be me dented

I'm her personal agent provocateur.

I'm back in meth, and what the .

She's back in stickers, but no underwear.

Bitch . brains out, bitch, until

This girl doesn't have me.

Give love to girls looking Niksel Pixel

Stir bitches on the bed, it's a mixer

So much dirt from the models in my mix

. only whom? Feminists'

Give love to girls looking Niksel Pixel

Stir bitches on the bed, it's a mixer

So much dirt from the models in my mix

. only whom? Feminists'

Эта песня от Kuznetsky Squad также известна под названием Мешаю сучек на кровати, это миксер.

Отзывы о песне Kuznetsky Squad - Никсель

А, кстати, никто случайно не знает, что за песня со словами Im alright, Im alright, Im alright??

Ответ: Думаю не ошибусь, если предположу, что это Poppy Scary Mask.

Новый альбом Kuznetsky Squad потрясающий, теперь текст Никсель не выходит из головы.

Kuznetsky Squad - ТОП. Мечтаю сходить на концерт и послушать вживую Никсель!

Шикарная песня Никсель. До сих пор слушаю. Такое чувство, что никогда не перестану ,)

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