Король теней текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

И Ночь тогда шепнула: "Ты раб для себя."
Узрел я, как горит, всё то, что видел я.
И прах чужой мечты и гордости восход,
Я видел как горел средь звёзд отца поход.

Куплет 3
Отец меня отбросил, на корм воронья
Мой Легион - сыны - вас ненавижу я.
Нострамо первый шаг, и Ночь - последний шаг
Я слышу, ты зовёшь вступить в свой вечный мрак.

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Все тексты Hammer of Faith >>>

verse 1
Seriousness of the offense , the severity of guilt
I have seen the future - in broad streams of darkness
Fear - my weapon , hatred - my shield
In steel blazing anger forever cast

Eternity tore my sons from an early age
My father - the Emperor , his mother - the midnight light
I saw the reality blazed in the darkness
But I did not give up : after all, there is no fear in me

Ashes Nostramo now look zastlil
Iron grip dug into the soul of darkness!
Will not escape : escape - a sentence!
Even Mother Night now I'm numb .
I can not hear you all, I see only darkness
I remember when all this will happen again
My horizon - the skull , death and the enemy
And all that was left to me - fraternal blood

verse 2
Fear - my weapon , I - Blade father
But his father care about me?
Hatred and stupidity - that's all I'm paralyzed !
By dusk the Night unconscious called .

Night and then whispered : & quot; You're a slave to himself . & Quot;
I saw the burning , all the things that I saw .
And the ashes of someone else's dreams and pride sunrise,
I saw among the stars burned father campaign .

verse 3
Father threw me , to feed crows
My Legion - the children - I hate you .
Nostramo first step , and the night - the last step
I hear you call start your eternal darkness .

Cold roar , sword, where this blood?
Do not care , I give my life , let me die again !
Father threw me , night is no longer waiting for .
Let then the Galaxy in agony . die ! .

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