Когда воротимся мы в портленд текст песни
Обновлено: 21.02.2025
В ночь перед бурею на мачте
Горят святого Эльма свечи,
Отогревая наши души
За все минувшие года.
Когда воротимся мы в Портленд,
Мы будем кротки, как овечки,
Но только в Портленд воротиться
Нам не придется никогда.
Well, if there is no return to Portland ,
Let us wears a black sail.
Let it be sweet Jamaican rum ,
Everything else - nonsense !
When we gate in Portland
By God , I'm all over Repent
But come back to Portland
We do not have to ever!
Well, if there is no return to Portland ,
Let the merchant dies with fear,
Neither God nor the devil can help
Him to save their ships !
When we gate in Portland
I swear, I did throughout Repent
But come back to Portland
We do not have to ever.
Well, if there is no return to Portland ,
Divide the gold, as brothers ,
Since the money of others
Do not get it easily !
When we gate in Portland
We will birthplace in arms,
But come back to Portland
Do not let us , O God , ever.
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