Каспийский груз мани текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Первый Куплет:
Мне нужно лавэ, чтоб вертеть этот мир на хуе.
Есть день ВДВ, мне нужен день АУЕ
Всех ждут дома, меня ждут у дома.
Они знакомы с моим делом, но мне не знакомы.
Ныне бутылка вискаря из минибара минивэна,
Охранники, черный ход, пульт, микрофон, сцена.
Мокрый лоб, мокрая майка, мокрое полотенце.
Мое гетто Освенцим, привет поселенцам.
Ренат Сайфутдинов так зовут моего нотариуса.
Мы с пацанами называем его тотариусом.
Он реально запаривался,
Когда мы мутили х*йню со страховками.
Но мы были ловкими,
И гордились газетными заголовками.
Советуешь мне быть осторожнее.
Да ты шо…
Я буду на встречке в тумане с выключенными фарами,
Новые деньги - это хорошо,
Новые деньги это хорошо отмытые старые.

Припев: [х2]
То не берет, то занят.
Что ни убьет, то ранит.
Она то не ждет, то манит.

Она make мани-мани,
Make мани-мани-мани.

Припев: [х2]
То не берет, то занят.
Что ни убьет, то ранит.
Она то не ждет, то манит.

Она make мани-мани,
Make мани-мани-мани.

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Все тексты Каспийский груз >>>

That does not take, then busy.
Whatever kills, it hurts.
She does not wait, then beckons.

She make mani mani
Make mani mani mani.

First Verse:
I need lave to turn this world on a dick.
There is a day of the Airborne Forces, I need a day AUE
Everyone is waiting at home, waiting for me at home.
They are familiar with my business, but they are not familiar to me.
Now a bottle of whiskey from a minibar of a minivan,
Guards, back door, remote control, microphone, scene.
Wet forehead, wet T-shirt, wet towel.
My ghetto Auschwitz, hello to the settlers.
Renat Sayfutdinov is the name of my notary.
The boys and I call him the totalitarian.
He really was steaming,
When we muddy x * yyu with insurance.
But we were agile
And proud of the newspaper headlines.
Advise me to be careful.
Yes, you sho .
I'll be in the oncoming lane in the fog with the lights off
New money is good
New money is a well laundered old.

Chorus: [x2]
That does not take, then busy.
Whatever kills, it hurts.
She does not wait, then beckons.

She make mani mani
Make mani mani mani.

Second Verse:
Not interested in being told in the Buzovs magazine.
Interest in another -
Walk all day with a hungry belly.
Since my eye is set,
Where I am smeared with honey I gather.
I feel where the sure thing is,
And where after you have to smear with iodine.
I trout fortunately against the stream easier
Life is checked by me, fortunately.
There is nothing to prove anything.
Get to the bottom of me -
Break 3 shovels at least.
And if the path is slippery I chose
Change tires for winter.
And you beloved, forgive me sincerely,
For everything in business,
But it seemed to you that there was no spark.
At least push me against the wall
I’m a couple of steps to the truth,
But the feet in the castle and the cement dried up.
And there is no mood
So your fucking didn’t give up to me.
My opinion here everyone is trying,
Throw us off the white stripes.
You rub me that mani is not important
Yes you quit!
I know money well
Better than with money apart.

Chorus: [x2]
That does not take, then busy.
Whatever kills, it hurts.
She does not wait, then beckons.

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