Истина в вине текст песни

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

Когда-то языческий бог, собравшись в глубь веков
Каких-то весёлых людей учил творить вино.
Дитя виноградной лозы из самых сладких грез
Родилось в первые тогда, что бы продолжить свой род.

Some great sage that was looking for the truth
Once sipped wine and joyfully exclaimed .
Today I discovered the secret , I will tell her everything.
Now I'm sure , my friends, that the truth in wine !

In vino veritas !
In vino veritas !

Temples mossy crosses - a sure sign of holiness .
But in the light of ancient churches beckon us cellar.
Cherished secret store of days gone by ,
But we know , friends, that the truth is in the wine !

In vino veritas !
In vino veritas !

Let the same drink, friends, today we are all wise men .
Drink of gods and men , bubbling murmur of spring.
Come sing louder the same that would have heard everything
Our ideal in the clouds , and the truth in wine !

In vino veritas !
In vino veritas !

Come sing louder the same that would have heard everything
Our ideal in the clouds , but the truth . in wine .

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