Икар текст песни гевал

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Над сводами…
Над сводами, на потолке,
Там, где копье в уверенной руке
Пронзило бок распятого Христа,
И видели б глаза святых с холста,
Как пьяный ангел пел на потолке -
Сорвался и валялся в переулке…
Как пьяный ангел рухнул с потолка -
И кровь и перья в грязном переулке…
И жил бы средь людей на чердаке,
А с крыши бы смотрел на города,
На сломанные крылья на крюке -
Все как всегда, всё как всегда…

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Все тексты Гевал >>>

As if I had wings like a seraphim ,
And in his veins not raged more blood
From third eye in his forehead were only veins
And the passions - sexless love.
And flying over hanging on Calvary
And over in the crowd standing bodies of the rebels ,
And over bonfires Autedafe -
I cursed all that singing.

Agony , fire and ice ,
Shivering from the freezing cold heights!
On the fiery sunrise
Fly as through fire,
Fly , wings spread ,
As the Greek Icarus
Fly .

Fly , fly over the sea
Like a moth to fly to the light in the lighthouse ,
Water made ​​its way through the sand in Mecca
And where the Baptist baptized in the river all
I have lived with frescoes on the ceiling ,
Where in the Garden of Gethsemane came convoy
And through the pores of the blood emerges outward
And where to pick up the cross to go with you !

Above the arches .
Above the arches , the ceiling,
Where the spear in a confident hand
Pierced side of the crucified Christ ,
And his eyes have seen b saints with canvas
Drunkenly singing angel on the ceiling -
Broke and lying in an alley .
Like a drunken angel fell from the ceiling -
And blood and feathers in a filthy alley .
And I would live among men in the attic,
And from the roof to look at the city,
On broken wings on the hook -
As usual , as always .

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