И туган тел песня текст

Обновлено: 21.02.2025

Сперва на этом языке, качая зыбку, пела мать,
А после - бабушка меня старалась сказкою унять.

Родной язык, ты мне помог понять и радость с малых лет,
И боль души, когда в глазах темнеет, меркнет ясный свет.

Tugan Tel / Mother tongue

And tugan bodies and Mathur bodies әtkәm әnkәmneң - body!
Dөnyada kүp nәrsә Belda syn Tugan Tel arkyly .

Iң electric motorcycle bodies belәn әnkәm bishektә kөylәgәn ,
Annar tөnnәr buoy әbkәm hikәyat sөylәgәn .

And tugan bodies! Һәrvakytta yardәmeң berlәn sineң ,
kechkenәdәn aңlashylgan shatlygym , Kaige Minh .

And tugan bodies! Sindә Bulgan iң electron kyylgan dogam :
yarlykagyl , dip , үzem һәm әtkәm - әnkәmne , strokes !

Oh, how nice native language, the father and mother tongue,
I'm a lot of things in the world through you ever comprehended !

First, the language , the cradle rocking , singing mother,
And then - my grandmother tried to appease a fairy tale .

Native language, you helped me understand the joy and from an early age ,
And the pain of the soul when it gets dark in the eyes , clear light fades .

I like you , mother tongue, to utter a prayer first helped :
" Forgive me, father and mother , be generous , my God! "

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