Децл мысли глубоко текст песни

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

Добавлено kallini2010 в пт, 10/01/2020 - 20:12

Добавлено в ответ на запрос Ivan Luden Комментарий:

* Leps, Bilan & Ivan Dorn - musicians

** “you are outside of format” - slang - it doesn't have a clear-cut meaning. It could be understood as "to be out of mainstream", "to not conform".

*** Lezginka is a type of dance in Northern Caucaus.

Lezginka - on a table, in an Armani jacket***

means that someone wearing an Armani jacket dances Lezginka on a table, most likely at some sort of celebratory event when guests had enough alcohol to dance on tables. Subtext: while higher-ups celebrate, the rest of the nation lives in misery.

****wear out their wallets till bleeding.
"Bleeding wallets" - this expression I don't understand.

This is a reference to Vladimir Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization (1922 to 1991). All school children from age 9 to 15 were members. "To show loyalty to pioneer leaders" could be understood as loyalty to power overall or loyalty to power from a young age.

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