Буренка даша почемучка песня текст
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Топ-топ, топотушки,
Пляшут на носу веснушки,
Пляшет солнце, пляшут тучки,
Пляшут ножки, пляшут ручки,
Top-top, stomp,
All animals are dancing amicably.
Dancing hedgehog on hemp,
Dancing Chizhik on a bitch,
Doggie is dancing on the porch,
Cat is dancing near the stove,
Dancing mouse near the mink,
Dancing goat on the hill,
Horns and tails are dancing.
What are you worth?
Dance and you!
Top Top
Top Top Top,
Top Top
Top-top, stomp,
Dancing summer on the edge.
Ducks are dancing in the pond,
Dancing apples in the garden,
Dancing on the grass flowers
And on the tree leaves,
Squirrels are dancing on a branch,
Birds are dancing, babies are dancing,
Dancing rivers and bridges.
What are you worth?
Dance and you!
Top Top Top,
Top-top, stomp,
Freckles are dancing on the nose,
Dancing sun, dancing clouds,
The legs are dancing, the pens are dancing,
Borka came out on the meadow,
He called everyone to dance in a circle.
Dance Sasha
Dasha Dancing,
Our planet is dancing,
Dad, mom, kids,
What are you worth?
Dance and you!
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