Здравствуй брат песня текст

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Твой сегодня День Рождения -
В одиночестве спасенья не ищи.
Я люблю тебя и помню, рюмку полную наполню -
И по памяти, как волны наши дни.

Помнишь, брат? Батя нас учил с тобою
Друг за друга быть горою, пусть простят,
Кто поймал от братьев шишек, но обижен был
Лишь тот, кто виноват.

Милый, брат - я все помню наши споры;
И мечты, и разговоры, как сейчас.
Мы с тобой смотрели в завтра,
И всегда ценили правду среди нас.

Мир, как снежный ком катился
Помнишь время? Ты женился - жил быстрей.
Ты поплыл во взрослом мире, стало пусто
Так в квартире наших дней.

Ты был другом и примером,
Огоньком добра и веры средь зимы.
Но не дало сердце трещин, и любовь не стала меньше
Просто видеться чуть реже стали мы.

Да, мой брат я скучаю, я не верю
В эту страшную потерю - Рок судьбы.
Планам не было предела,
Сколько вместе ещё сделали бы мы.

Обещаю не сломиться,
И пока во мне струится наша кровь -
Буду жить за землю предков;
И за счастье наших деток,
За фамилию, за братскую любовь.

Видишь, брат - греет ночь холодный месяц,
В дом пришёл со скрипом лестниц листопад.
А я рад, что снова осень, как то в ней спокойней.
В общем - знаешь, брат:

Твой сегодня День Рождения;
В одиночестве спасенья не ищи
Я всегда с тобою буду, ты мне хоть приснись оттуда
Жаль, осталось в детстве чудо, ты прости.

Дремлет путь Млечный, и любовь крепче.
Верь мне, брат - Вечно, брат; мой брат… Greetings, brother! The night is cold in a cold month.
A leaf fall came into the house with a creak of stairs.
And I'm glad that it's autumn again, as it is calmer in it,
In general, you know, brother:

Your birthday today is -
In solitude, do not seek salvation.
I love you and I remember filling the glass full -
And from memory, like the waves are our days.

Do you remember, brother? Dad taught us with you
For each other be a mountain, let them forgive,
Who caught the bumps from the brothers, but was offended
Only the one who is to blame.

Mother taught not to be poor,
But to share all the latest - than rich!
You know, she's not ashamed for us, she's all over now.
From above it is visible - only for years so it is insulting, that fly.

My dear brother, I remember all our disputes;
And dreams, and conversations, as now.
We looked at you tomorrow,
And they always appreciated the truth among us.

And among the stars and close truths
There was so much power of life every time,
That there seemed to be little peace, the sea of ​​life rocked us;
And further away from the pier was a longboat!

The world as a snowball rolled
Do you remember the time? You married - I lived faster.
You swam in the adult world, became empty
So in the apartment of our days.

You were a friend and an example,
By the fire of good and faith in the midst of winter.
But the heart did not crack, and love did not become less
We just saw each other a little less often.

Do you remember, brother? As they baptized their children,
How to raise and teach the boys!
He gave his name to your son, you called my son mine -
And all business!

Know, brother: your younger Sanya -
Gentleman, mate's assistant and fighter!
She misses you too, she's like you in everything -
Clever, kind and good, like a father.

Listen, brother! How can we say a word,
For the hundredth time again, can not sleep until morning?
I do not want to say goodbye to you, who invented
To part for ever?

It is seen so fate,
So that you become free forever, well, I -
For two I'll live on;
Without doubt, music and falsity!
I'm just now an older man, my brother.

Yes, my brother, I miss, I do not believe
In this terrible loss - fate fate .
Plans did not have a limit,
How much more would we have done together.

I promise not to break,
And while our blood flows in me -
I will live for the land of my ancestors;
And for the happiness of our children,
For the name, for brotherly love.

You see, brother - it's a warm, cold month,
A leaf fall came into the house with a creak of stairs.
And I'm glad that autumn is again, as it is calmer in it.
In general, you know, brother:

Your birthday is today;
In solitude, do not seek salvation
I will always be with you, you at least have a dream from there
It's a pity, there is a miracle left in childhood, forgive.

The Milky Way slumbers, and love is stronger.
Believe me, brother - Forever, brother; my brother…

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