Валайбалалай эльфийская песня баллада об аскалхорне текст

Обновлено: 21.10.2024

Как на шахматной доске Их битвы прогремят.
Совершишь ошибку и съедят.

Сила - их союзник, Сила - их слуга
Ситы и джедаи вечных два врага.

Победят одни, но пройдут годы иль века,
Вновь сойдутся в танце два меча.

Битва за правду и за власть
Сила как зверь – а война ее пасть,
Все будут съедены зверем войны,
И в конце не останется жизни, Света и Тьмы.
Tear off your affairs, Listen to my story!
Light and Darkness are waging a war between stars far away from us.
There are years, days fly by,
There is no end and no end, terrible that slaughter.

As on a chessboard Their battles will be thundered.
You make a mistake and eat.

There is a war, there is no end to it,
The flame devours the city,
Two Orders, this is their destiny,
And the galaxy is doomed
War for ages!
From the Core Worlds
To the edge to the Outer Rim
Do not find quiet places,
The war will find you.

Strength is their ally, Power is their servant
The Sith and Jedi are eternal two enemies.

Some will win, but years or years will pass,
Two swords will come together again in dance.

There is a war, there is no end to it,
The flame devours the city,
Two Orders, this is their destiny,
And the galaxy is doomed
War for ages!

There is a war, there is no end to it,
The flame devours the city,
Two Orders, this is their destiny,
And the galaxy is doomed
War for ages!

The battle for truth and power
Strength as an animal - and its war to fall,
All will be eaten by the beast of war,
And in the end there will be no life, Light and Darkness.

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