В норке у лисички погашен свет песня текст

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

В норке у лисички погашен свет,
Но решил лисенок встречать рассвет.
И твердит лисичка ему в ответ:
Баю-бай, засыпай.
Спят зимой деревья давным-давно,
Птенчику малышке в гнезде тепло.
Птичка укрывает его крылом:
Баю-бай, засыпай.

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Все тексты Колыбельные песни - малышам >>>

Once again, over a dark forest moon rises.
Over the den light smoke floats .
Mama bear cub again sings :
Bye - bye, go to sleep . .
Sleeping in the forest all the beasts
And the wind died down .
Zainka in pajamas sitting sad.
Mommy zaychiha he insists :
Bye - bye, go to sleep .

Drip-drip , slezanki from bears, teddy bear crying loudly .
How - cap, tears in hare, making our zaychishka crying !
A daughter, cried , and my daughter went to sleep .
And that desire come true star fell from heaven .

In mink have chanterelles extinguished light,
But the fox decided to meet the dawn .
And solid fox to him:
Bye - bye, go to sleep .
Sleep winter trees a long time ago ,
Baby chick in the nest warm.
Bird hides his wing :
Bye - bye, go to sleep .

How - cap, fox cried tears in our fox !
Drip-drip , tears in Sovenko again slept owlet !
A daughter, cried , and my daughter went to sleep .
And that desire come true , the star from heaven fallen .

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