В гости к богу высоцкий текст песни

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Мы успели - в гости к Богу не бывает опозданий.
Так что ж там ангелы поют такими злыми голосами?
Или это колокольчик весь зашелся от рыданий?
Или я кричу коням, чтоб не несли так быстро сани?

Little slower , horses, a little slower !
You do not listen to the tight thong !
But something caught my horses are finicky ,
And did not have time to live , I finish singing not enough.

I have satiated the horses ,
I dopoyu couplet -
A little more
Stand on the edge ! ..

Get out , I will sweep me Fluff hurricane with palm ,
And I galloped entail sleigh through the snow in the morning.
You go a step slow , my horses ,
A little bit, but the way to extend the last refuge !

Little slower , horses, a little slower !
Ukazchiki not you whip and whip.
But something caught my horses are finicky ,
And did not have time to live , I finish singing not enough.

I have satiated the horses ,
I dopoyu couplet -
A little more
Stand on the edge ! ..

We had - on a visit to God there is no delay.
So what is there to the angels sing so evil voices?
Or is it the whole bell went from crying ?
I scream or horses , that do not carry the sled so fast ?

Little slower , horses, a little slower !
I implore you not to go in the jump !
But something caught my horses are finicky ,
Kohl did not have time to live , so at least finish singing !

I have satiated the horses ,
I dopoyu couplet -
A little more
Stand on the edge ! ..

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