Ultrapir boxing текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Два тренера, учат бить не абы как
Зато куча тех, кто у них учиться навыкам,
Посильней удар и, чтоб соперника сбить с ног
Верь в себя, и пофиг кто там против, шкаф или бизон..

Среди своих парней авторитет
Твои кулаки тебе заменят пистолет Тэ-Тэ,
Оттачивай удары, тренируй выносливость
Будет больно, это не кино смотри.

Перебори свою лень, и
Бегай километры сам, покажи пример другим,
Не жалей себя, поставь цель, к ней и иди
Будет не легко, но ты же знал куда идёшь, терпи.

Сюда идут от мала до велика
Начинать не поздно, ведь все равны в пределах ринга,
Вообщем то мы ждём тебя
Приходи, тренируйся, бокс, Заря.

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Все тексты BOXING >>>

Throw out the lips cigarette , enough
Heroes in Russia still remained, his mother ,
Come bet? Make it himself
Novovyatskiy boxers rasspravlyayut sails !

Two coaches teach not beat anyhow
But a bunch of people who have them learn the skills ,
Feasibly blow , and in order to knock down the opponent
Believe in yourself , and do not care who is there against a cabinet or bison ..

As Rocky Balboa , or Ali Mohamed
Taught here not to fight , and skillfully beat hands
Come on Roy Jones, or as Mike Tyson
To achieve heights , at least make the first move!

This Dawn , meet leaders
Who if not we put boxing on his feet in Kirov
Capa , bandages and gloves , aggression and anger
Realize the dream of a movie , go out and "Beat the bone !"
Smoke and drink easily , be strong - desist
Look on the other hand , on my life,
Be strong, do not yield to never , in any way
Know you are not alone , if Cho decide fists .
I'm just a year ago , he overcame the fear
The main thing to start , but already there will be excitement,
There is a desire , then you can not avoid Ratio
Understand after the fight, raise your hand up!

Among their boyfriends authority
You replace your fists gun Tae - Tae ,
Hone strikes , train endurance
Will be painful, it 's not a movie . see

Busting my laziness , and
Begay kilometers itself , show an example to others ,
Do not feel sorry for yourself , set a goal and go for it
Will not be easy , but you know where you're going , be patient .

Here are from small to large
Start too late , because all are within the ring,
In general we are waiting for you
Come , train , box, Dawn .

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