Текст песни за лесом солнце просияло партизан фм
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
7. прощай отецкая станица
прощай родимый хуторок
прощай девчонка молодая
прощай лазоревый цветок 1. Forest sun shone
there is a black raven cried
Hours passed my minutes
when I was walking with a girl
2. happened I finish work
I hasten to walk on the street
Now I faced a Service
I hasten conic saddle
3. I saddle the horse chestnut
Circassian seat ubrany
I saddle up and go sit down
in other people's distant lands
4. maybe I'll go for a while
perhaps leave forever
perhaps Rifle Marksmanship
It kills me from behind a bush
5. Perhaps Rifle Marksmanship
It kills me from behind a bush
perhaps saber-lihodeyka
will cut the young man's skull
6. and the blood spilled hot
spilled dark river
but the heart of the heart vstrepenёtsya
and will not return to motherland
7. goodbye otetskaya village
Goodbye dear little farm
Young girl goodbye
Farewell Azure Flower
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