Текст песни я в любовь уже не верю

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Добиваясь понимания,меня ты ранила
Нарошно будто бы,одного меня отправила
Бродить среди чужих,а в голове правило
"Любви без боли не любовь",но я справлюсь..

Общие мечты,на двоих все поделено
И после наших ссор уже никто не верит нам
Так же я не верю,ведь тобой обманут
Но был предан тебе,своей любимой даме.

И если ты заметила,то ни капли злости
В моих словах к тебе,а если что прости
Я не виню тебя,просто вся моя простынь
Пропитана тобой,я не могу остыть.

Я не прощу тебя,здесь активна моя гордость
Я не забуду тебя,и упади ты в пропасть
Полечу за тобой,обнявшись перд смертью
Я все выскажу тебе,с таким же трепетом

Поцелую на последок,ты старайся помнить
Те времена что провели с тобой,даже горькие
Будут сладкими казаться,ведь были вместе
Один твой шаг родил во мне чувство ненависть All frequently talk about feelings, about what love
But it's all hype , do not believe in these people .
In deeds believe I do not need verbiage
Do not touch me , do not try to reassure

How to be calm if killing force
See her alone , among hundreds of others
You give her heart , and the plowing door to the soul
In return for deception would be immediately closed better

Well Well come on , trampling and tear everything to pieces
Burn methane at once put this point.
Do not remember , come on ! make me sick!
Because I sincerely when Gilles was with you ..

Seeking understanding , you hurt me
Naroshno supposedly sent me one
Wander among strangers , but my head is usually
" Love is not love without pain ," but I can do it ..

Love is not gentle phrases , about what you love !
Love without reason will always hot !
In love, there is a sense , without flowers and gifts !
Love can not cool down , then love is not true!

And if all goes , it is not love at all!
And if you cheated then you take it and throw it !
Love is mutual, love is trust!
Sorry, but I'm in love I can not believe .

Common dreams, all divided by two
And after our quarrels nobody believes us
So I do not believe , because you cheated
But he was devoted to you , your favorite lady.

And if you noticed any drop of anger
In my words to you, and I'm sorry if that
I do not blame you, just my whole sheet
Impregnated with you, I can not cool down.

I will not forgive you, here are my pride active
I will not forget you , and drop you into the abyss
I'll fly with you , embracing death perd
I speak for all of you with such awe

Kiss lastly , you try to remember
Those times spent with you, even bitter
Will seem sweet , as were together
One step you fathered me feel hatred

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