Текст песни я буду изменять

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

А я и есть твой кайф
Кайфуй со мной дорогая
Ведь нам так проще будет исполнять хуйню
Дороги кокса не заменят счастье
Старея чувствовал что стоял я на краю
И я тебе спою, но ты не думай об этом
Каким бы не был я, меня менять не стоит
Всё выражать в кайфах
В клубах на выступлениях
Отходняки по утрам покажуться цветочками
И разберём по точкам
Ты не хотела быть сукой
За всё спасибо скажем мы бывшему брату
Твои глаза горели
Уйди, умри поскуда
Все мысли эти были вложены в ту хату
А Ленка знала всё и пусть всем стрёмно будет
Он говорит что хотел её показать
А ты походу в 15 лет был самым умным
И не она такая, а ты такой, я верил блять
Даже если вены грязные, душа зато чиста
Пока люблю весь мир и даю добра
Людям кто рядом, те кто чисты
Тем кто мне не даст хуйнёй черкать листы. A Lenka knew all

And I will also be beautiful, wear heels
Tall, short skirt , I will like that your nipple
And I will change , I will change
And let me be hurt, I 'll smile
You understand me , because you love too
2 grams before the performance in his fool
And let me better, but it is more expensive
Love and be loved with different people is not difficult
You love drugs - I love her too
You like sex without commitment , so unless you can
I no longer love tekbya as " love ! " hear
We 'll never be together , I jump off the roof
What for you to stop
Hard to be me, I do not have the strength
And again on his lips I draw quiet weeping
And every time the same thing: " quiet , do not cry ! "
And I'm not perfect , your caresses are tender
Clean before God , before us only mad
I will not be what I would like to see
I loved . you taught to hate
I thought about one lomanli my soul
I spoke to you, and you're not listening , not listening
And I was different when she was near
Alien to themselves , and because it was not necessary
And he would not be so important
If forgave me quickly
4, 3 were in fact always loved numbers
And I found someone who says in his tracks as I think
I believe in fate and I believe that we have linked the fate of
In the last sms I indicated your choice
Resigned to this, I went to the world
You're just having fun , do not understand stupidity
Now shut your heart
Let no one let shit .

And I got your kicks
Kaif with me dear
After all, we are so it will be easier to perform garbage
Road coke can not replace happiness
Aging felt that I was standing on the edge
And I 'll sing to you , but you do not think about it
Whatever I was , I should not change
All express kicks
The clubs on performances
Othodnyak mornings seem flowers
And to analyze the points
You did not want to be a bitch
For all we say thank former brother
Your eyes are burning
Go away , die poskuda
All these thoughts were invested in that hut
A Lenka knew everything and let all be dumb
He says he wanted to show it
You hike in 15 years was the smartest
And she is not , as you are, I believe fucking
Even if the veins are dirty, but clean shower
While I love the whole world and give good
People who are close to those who are pure
Those who will not let me garbage Scribbles sheets .

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