Текст песни вокруг все улыбаются но ей не

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Какой печальный просчет,ее ошибка
И все испортила в миг ее улыбка
Я бы позволил ей все, любую шалость,
Чтоб счастлива была.

What a sad miscalculation her fault
She is so spoiled her mouth smile,
I would let her everything any prank
That was happy ,
But it's better if she did not smile !

I am notorious -
that's why there was no lady.
Often caress my ribs , imagine yourself Adam !
Was never even kisses
And probably will not be .
You to understand , even mother dear , do not breast- fed me !
In general, with the opposite sex I had no luck ,
Then , imagine over heels in love , as evil !
Try to talk to her?
Whoa - whoa, I'll pass , guys!
By courage I - not James Bond or even Bugs Bunny .
It is necessary to draw her attention to me ,
This is a priority in the first place , it is - Mania !
I decided to write her a song and sing at all ! Guys !
I mustered all his strength into his fist and went , wearing the best pants .
The moment of truth ,
It is time to act before it ,
And yet I did it , collected his thoughts !
That's it, it will be with me , just a little left ,
But suddenly she smiled - I came in my pants ! ..
I wish she was not smiling !

What a sad miscalculation her fault
And messed up at the moment , her smile
I would let her everything any prank
That was happy .

Stop .
By the way, I had a dream last night.
Some social events in the kingdom rules
Where all people - snobs and their king - a brutal tyrant !
He locked his daughter , the princess, in a separate room
A vigilant guards , strictly follow her orders !
" All of you know my daughter and her illness :
Her finger even show - suddenly start laughing !
Therefore, in the name of general discipline ,
I'll leave it to celebrate in the best hall , after living .
But ask all young people to pay visits to her
Well her birthday , let taste fun!
But if someone calls her at least smile
That become fodder for our tiger . fish ! "
In the dream I was braver than life ,
Stronger nerves.
" I'm ready ," exclaimed thus volunteered first.
Unfortunately, my name and in the kingdom of funny thought .
Came in, said , "I - Edward ! "
I wish she did not laugh .

What a sad miscalculation her fault
She is so spoiled her mouth smile,
I would let her everything any prank
That was happy ,
But it's better if she did not smile !

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