Текст песни в ту осень

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Припев: В ту осень
Я молод был и я куражился
В ту осень
На дело крупное отважился
В ту осень
Тебя любил и был я смел,
В ту осень
Надолго в лагерь загремел.

Припев: В ту осень
Я молод был и я куражился
В ту осень
На дело крупное отважился
В ту осень
Тебя любил и был я смел,
В ту осень
Надолго в лагерь загремел.

На нарах, как король на дне рождения,
Сижу и подвываю на луну.
Тебя, моя коварная Евгения,
Незлым и тихим словом помяну.

Fled days - days are like money ,
But the money ran as days are .
Do you remember , dear Zhenya Zhenya ,
In that golden autumn taverns ?

Luck thieves blatovalasya
And with the nose remained debris
Before you Chaldeans sag
And labuhi played till morning

Chorus: That fall
I was young and I lord it
That fall
It ventured on large
That fall
Loved you and I was brave
That fall
Permanently in the camp thundered .

Ran carefree time - vremechko
By clock from Cartier Fryer .
Do you remember , dear Zhenya Zhenya ,
As wanted with a stone necklace!

Cilia trembled charmingly ,
And at that moment , his life ruining ,
I would bombanul Lord Creator
Star to sprinkle all of you !

Chorus: That fall
I was young and I lord it
That fall
It ventured on large
That fall
Loved you and I was brave
That fall
Permanently in the camp thundered .

On the benches , as the king at a birthday party ,
I sit and howl at the moon.
You, my treacherous Eugene ,
Kindly and quiet word Remember .

You're mixed up , zmeyuki with thick oper ,
Silent when he knit me .
But Gad will , or I'm not a thief now
Cast away - you will answer for the market !
Chorus: That fall
I was young and I lord it
That fall
It ventured on large
That fall
Loved you and I was brave
That fall
Permanently in the camp thundered .

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