Текст песни утка маляр

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Наконец-то и на наших болотах появился бар свой
На меня уже даже как-то наезжал здесь местный болотный ковбой
И вот опять распахивается дверь с вызовом с ноги
Я подбираю модель, чтоб не сцыкло и чтоб не избили. Как себя вести?

А если это снова налетит обиженный тем, сто забыл здесь куртку?
Но на пороге (что тоже не расслабило) я вижу утку.
Прошла источая зловонный запах. "Ну и вонь" - сказал кто-то.
Утка по человечьи режется: "Запомни, сынок,
так хтонь местная твоя пахнет". И на табурет залезла у стойки:
"Командир, давай-ка, сделай-ка мне по чуть-чуть много водки"
Пораженный бармен, наливая, заговорил: "Знаешь, ты легко устроишься в цирк. "
Утка наигранно оживилась: "Да , нужны маляры в цирке?"
Её интонации были явной эскалацией конфликта. Я вспоминал, что такое хтонь,
И было забыто желание забыться в уюте этого бара,
Где за стойкой агрессивно набиралась утка, прокрякав громко:
"Ну, крякнем и булькнем в тину. "

С табурета запала на крыло, шатаясь, пошла ко мне на сцыкло.
"Вот мое здесь перо,к нему нужно здесь твое, под ребро."
Бармен нас выгнал. Стоял сезон цвета утки. Блюя, она сказала:
"Подло - рвотные спазмы в моём желудке.
Ты победил, дебил, иди свободой наслаждайся на болотах.
Она в наш пейзаж хорошо вписалась решетками на квартирных окнах."
Эта тварь своим прогоном почти проняла.
Но я помнил природоведение:
"А хуля ты тогда в теплые края съёбываешь, когда тут холодная наступает месня".
"Да ладно, холодная, к вам с их образом жизни их хлюпенькая зима прилипла."
Утка-маляр не сдавалась, а я, проветрившись, чуточку повеселел
И остановил мучительное существование уточки.

And if it will fly again hurt by a hundred here forgot his jacket?
But on the threshold (which is not relaxed) I see a duck.
Passed exuding a fetid smell. & Quot; What a stink & quot; - Someone said.
Duck humane cut: & quot; Remember, son,
so your local Chthon smells & quot ;. And climbed on a stool at the counter:
& Quot; Commander, come on, do-it-ka me a little bit a lot of vodka & quot;
Struck by the bartender poured spoke: & quot; You know, you easily arranged into a circus . & quot;
Duck willfully revived: & quot; Yes, we need painters in the circus? & Quot;
Her tone was apparent escalation of the conflict. I remembered what Chthon,
And it was forgotten in the desire to forget the comfort of the bar,
Where the counter aggressively recruited duck prokryakav loudly:
& Quot; Well, kryaknem and bulknem in the mud . & quot;

Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
In the soul there all shit, to release steam.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Be thou cursed!

A talking duck, as I feared, suffered:
- You know, riding the subway here recently, your brother was full.
When brought back two cormorants due to distant seas. In comparison with local
There is a free and loud cackle started on its own.
On his something. And your feel instead: & quot; This is borzota & quot; - I think,
-Here Freedom transforms them. Not constrained, not accustomed to hesitate,
And even in the car did not violate each other's personal space.
And we're clogged vse.Nu anything, the Japanese did not change was weak,
And we also . & quot ;. Here duck brought:
& Quot; The Japanese even funny look up in a fit, not as second grade.
And you - you bog penguins, you're always on the heap. And the cormorant yells from want,
Already after two personal space, cry it out - plus their neighbor's.
And you cramped feeling of brotherhood brought up the wing to wing & quot ;. I corrected: & quot; Shoulder to Shoulder & quot ;.
Duck turned to me: & quot; Something here is against our Silent?! & Quot;

Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
In the soul there all shit, to release steam.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Be thou cursed!

With stool sunk on the wing, staggered and went to my stsyklo.
& Quot; This is my pen here, to his need here is yours, the ribs. & Quot;
The bartender we drove. It was a season of color duck. Blyuya, she said:
& Quot; Vile - vomiting cramps in my stomach.
You won, moron, go enjoy freedom in the swamps.
It is in our view a good fit bars on the apartment windows. & Quot;
This creature his run of almost getting through.
But I remembered the natural sciences:
& Quot; And revile you then to warmer climes sёbyvaesh when here comes the cold impurity & quot ;.
& Quot; Come on, cold to you with their way of life their hlyupenkaya winter stuck. & Quot;
Duck-painter did not give up, and I ventilate a little more cheerful
And stop the painful existence ducks.

Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
In the soul there all shit, to release steam.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Duck painter decided to go have a drink in the bar.
Be thou cursed!

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