Текст песни сколот подвиг
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Submitted by Richard Coombes on Sat, 26/11/2016 - 09:10
Submitter's comments:
Lyrics from Skolot's VKontakte page. Written by Aleksey "Folk" Pavlov. This song was specially written for the Russian TV documentary film "По следам Ивана Сусанина" ("In the footsteps of Ivan Susanin"). The documentary chronicles the heroics of a number of ordinary Russian citizens. The hero of this song was a Russian villager who was forced by German soldiers one night to act as a guide, taking them through difficult terrain in blizzard conditions . the villager deliberately led them astray, towards Russian troops. The Germans died, but they had time to kill the villager first.
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