Текст песни син ышанма матурым
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Min tuydym gaybәtlәrdәn
Min tuydym Karashlardan
Khislerem Nәfrәt b / n Tulgan
Ber ni krmim, ber ni sizmim
Yөrәhem bәrgәlәnә. Nigga
Nigә kүңel ikelәnә?
Nigә kүңel ikelәnә?
Sin Tuydah Gaybәtlәrdәn
Shin Tuydy Karashlardan
Khislәreң nәfrәt b / n Tulgan
Bars blue yaratam
Bars of blue yratam
Tick blue ryanma maturem
Tick blue ryanma maturem
And you do not believe, Beauty!
And you do not believe, Beauty!
I say we will be together
Do not believe the words of the people
You do not believe, Beauty!
I'm tired of gossip,
I'm tired of the looks
My feelings are full of hate!
See nothing, feel nothing!
My heart is pounding (beating). Why?
Why does the soul hesitate (doubt)?
And you do not believe, Beauty!
And you do not believe, Beauty!
I say we will be together
Do not believe the words of the people
You do not believe, Beauty!
Are you tired of gossip,
Are you tired of thinking
Your feelings are filled with hate.
I love only you
Only love you, my dear!
But only you do not believe my beauty!
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