Текст песни самогон чувашская

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Дальше дрожь усталость мутный сон забвение
Слабый интерес, куда снесёт течение
Только шепот языком шершавым льётся в уши
Согрей меня хорошая очисти мою душу.

Во все стороны шатаясь, сильно пьяный да злой
Всё бежит по рельсам ржавым мой вагончик голубой
Задевая крышей небо, поднимая пыль столбом
В стену лбом бом-бом.

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Все тексты Алексей Матов >>>

With A & M O N O G
Pulled it opened so put on the table
Poured into the glasses so silent made
Floated mist ripples zaryabilo
Laughter burned to the ground in tears washed yes

As if doves were thrown at his feet millet
On ears whispered words forgotten
Good voice, so let the wicked songs sung midnight
The alcohol burned inside, the soul of the fire burning

And you pour me momma moonshine
Do not be afraid to drink me drunk
For now I am alive, and tomorrow it could happen
What am I such a young evening
Oh do not get to the house

Put the ground up to the sky gangway-ladder
Spit in the well so his fists baptized
Torn shirt on his chest yelling, where we did not stood
Through the glass-hole jumping gallop under a blanket yes

Further tremors fatigue muddy oblivion sleep
Weak interest, which will carry over
Just whisper the language of rough poured into the ears
Warm me a good cleanse my soul.

On all sides staggered drunk so much evil
Everything runs on rails rusty my trailer blue
Hitting the roof sky, rising cloud of dust
The wall forehead bom-bom .

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