Текст песни реквием по мопсу

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Короче, пока, малые, увидимся уже не скоро;
Интересно, как там там Андрюха?

Да как? В тюряге, снова;
Честное слово, Мопс, так вышло, валить не хотел;
Подставу замутили мрази, мусорской беспредел;
Слышь, ну а мы ниче так, успели навести кипиша;
Нас не скоро забудут, передай привет корешам;
На ютубе теперь тишина, все скучают по стримам;
Грустят за тобой, старина - покойся с миром;

Интересно, какая она жизнь после смерти;
Полечу на небеса или в котле сварят черти;
В общем обнял, давай, еще свидимся, братуха;
В аду или в раю мы по-любому наведем движуху;

Well, how is it, Andryukha? After all, I asked how much?
Shoot brother, shoot, just don't kill me!
The life broke like a string on a guitar;
Your Mosik paid this insidious donat with a full;

Fate is roulette, fate is luck;
Fartilo rarely, but flooded and I got excited;
But then this vile figure 13 fell out;
And I left the game without having time to say goodbye;

I didn't have time to build a house, put my grandson on his feet,
I didn't have time to see the world - it's a shame bitch;
Well I only grabbed freedom, like a sweet treat;
My heads, how are you without me, how am I without you;

In short, for now, little ones, I won't see you soon;
I wonder how Andryukha is there?

But how? In the slammer, again;
Honestly, Pug, it turned out, he didn't want to blame;
The base was muddied by filth, garbage lawlessness;
Hey, well, we are so good, we managed to bring the kipisha;
We will not be forgotten soon, say hello to homies;
There is silence on YouTube now, everyone misses the streams;
They are sad for you, old man - rest in peace;

I wonder what life after death is like;
I'll fly to heaven or devils will cook in a cauldron;
In general, hugged, come on, we'll see you again, brother;
In hell or in paradise, we will direct the movement anyway;

I wonder what life after death is like;
I'll fly to heaven or devils will cook in a cauldron;
In general, hugged, come on, we'll see you again, brother;
In hell or in paradise, we will in any way lead the way!

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