Текст песни пустая постель

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Вроде приутихнешь (да) забудешь что ли
Звонок опять ночью словно на повторе
И вроде не хочу видеть,но все равно приду
Зная,что как всегда расстанемся по утру And you leave again in the morning ,
And I did not find until you will not call
And the bed is empty again let go already
From memory away fly away like a moth

Verse : Aktiv
And you walk out there you probably fun
Another your fancy man calls you a bride
Separated such a long time, but do not let go easily
And as one , and not understand whether it is necessary to me that's all

Like priutihnesh (yes ) Do you forget that
Call again if the night on repeat
And as I do not want to see , but still come
Knowing that as always parted in the morning

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