Текст песни подарили хрюшке

Обновлено: 23.02.2025

стихи: Юрия Кудинова

Gave gingerbread pigs and drying,
Rada pig, oink oink-oink-, thank you friends (2p)

Gave pussy brand new bowl,
Parliament pussy, meow-meow-meow, bowl I changed! (2p)

Gave mouse bun with dried apricots,
Parliament mouse, munch, munch, munch, mink inappropriate noise (2p)

Now Bumble The Bee!
They gave a bee honey in a large barrel,
Glad bee, ju-ju-ju, the winter I do not tuzhu (2p)

And let the bird ?!
Gave the bird a drop of some water,
Parliament bird fyut-TUF-TUF, and let's whistle blowing.

And let's toad ?!
Gave toad midge in chocolate,
Parliament toad qua qua qua give kilograms of two (2)

And now my mother!
Give mom buttercups in a glass,
Glad mom nose-nose-nose.
Sang everything, and plop! (2p)

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