Текст песни playingtheangel фантомная боль

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / P / слова песен playingtheangel / Фантомная боль

Перевод текста песни Фантомная боль


Исполнитель: playingtheangel
Название: Фантомная боль

She says angel - lamp fight:

Posted rare manga bitcoin

I shout to her: Leave me alone

When in a glass of liquid fire and dry ice

She's just a chip someone implanted in my brain.

She throws my prosthetic eye into a glass like a birpong.

I'm building quadrocopters for the black market. -

They fly smoothly with a weight of across the border

Hey, get rich or die.

To hell with your almshouses, I'm fine.

I'm just looking through my glasses with my third eye.

On all the same caramel the sun

Baby, I'm crippled, I lost everything

For wait feel presence near you

You're my phantom pain, you kiss my forehead

When midnight on the electronic scoreboard

(she is a part of the box, the heart of the machine

I need money for plastic surgery.

On operation on change of voice)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

Yes, I will return the heart, and perhaps

We'll go a couple more parsecs.

Under the sail of death

And I'll replace him with someone

(i'll shoot the bitch) pinned to the sky

For youngsters it will become a pattern

And for those who got gangrene

And for someone who didn't become her universe

Actions - hot blood on cold blade

You'll know phantom pain,

But your world will keep its balance

The world will create obscurantism

And will remain hollow soul

She'll give you a full cartblanche.

"But your plaintive eyes won't stop a bullet

Your beautiful words will not calm the hive"

I'm a freak, remember? It's a circus doggie

These dogs are fine, it's loli's pain.

So drunk, whining, and I collect it all

One comic. It's my opus, but

(she is a part of the box, the heart of the machine

I need money for plastic surgery.

On operation on change of voice)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

I'll bring back the heart, the heart

Heart, heart, heart, heart

(you are my phantom pain)

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Отзывы о песне playingtheangel - Фантомная боль

Никак не могу вспомнить песню, там слова еще Se vuoi andare vai, io resto solo con il mare…

Ответ: Так это Toto Cutugno песня Dove ti porta il cuore

я эту песню запомнил и пою я её всегда… playingtheangel это очень круто

Мне кажется, что playingtheangel достоин звания золотого голоса Вселенной )

Восхищает, что playingtheangel всегда выкладывается на сцене и поражает зрителей невероятной эмоциональностью.

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