Текст песни не расстраивайся

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Да, я нашел лучше и не одну,
Да, есть другая, та, что больше чем тебя люблю,
Да, вы с ней чем то похожи, но она другая,
Да, теперь мои пальцы ее ласкают,
Мы так оба поменялись, где-то постарели,
Как секунда пролетали школьные недели,
За руку с тобой в столовой и на выпускной,
С тобой за школой в курилке я самый крутой,
Нам не нужен был никто, мы были миром,
По ночам не давали спать соседним квартирам,
Они стучали до утра по батареям,
А мы в обнимку засыпаем, и я тебя грею.

Не расстраивайся, моя детка.
Я возьму тебя в свои руки,
Подниму твое настроение,
Мы разгоним с тобой.

Не расстраивайся, моя детка,
Я возьму тебя в свои руки,
Подниму твое настроение,
Мы разгоним с тобой все муки.

Well, do not worry, my baby,
I'll take you in my hands,
I will raise your mood,
We will overclock with you all the flour

Yes, I found better and not one,
Yes, there is another, the one that is more than you,
Yes, you are like that with her, but she is different
Yes, now my fingers caress her,
We both changed, somewhere raised,
As a second, school weeks flew
By hand with you in the dining room and on graduation,
With you for the school in the smoking, I am the coolest,
We didn't need no one, we were the world
At night did not give to sleep with neighboring apartments,
They were knocking until the morning in batteries,
And we fall asleep in the embrace, and I warm you.

Do not worry, my baby.
I'll take you in my hands,
I will raise your mood,
We will accelerate with you .

Cooler than Boni and Clyde, cooler than LED and Nancy,
I will never forget our songs with you,
And how I hear them, I remember you,
You in the depths of the heart forever, dear,
On my fingers, prints from the other
Don't blame themselves, stay yourself,
Love you, with all flaws
I'm sorry that left with all the wounds,
That he himself inflicted, somewhere he did not resist
I'm sorry for leaving and left to someone,
I just ask to keep to the end, do not be killed
I always hear your shouts in dreams: Return!

Do not worry, my baby,
I'll take you in my hands,
I will raise your mood,
We will overclock with you all the flour .

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