Текст песни над вами

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Для нас вы как планктоны, где-то в Бикини Боттом,
Но не беспокойтесь, вы у великанов под присмотром.
Весь мир зависит от того, с какой я встану ноги.
И начерта портить настрой мне комментариями.
Золото - это зло, а быть злыми очень паршиво.
Штопать для вас басы Рокфеллеру мы разрешили.
Все под контролем биржы, банки, даже твой кредит.
Ты уже понял, кто тут настоящий Волк с Уолл Стрит.
Обама с Путиным на поводу.
Войны не будет, пока я того не захочу.
Ты ходишь в церковь, чтоб услышать там всевышнего.
Все правильно - наша власть не бывает лишней.
И вместе с тем мы рядом с вами живем в этом мире.
Только написан он нами, как телешоу в эфире.
Круче Матрицы конечно, Поц, а как ты думал?
Не каждый из вас Джим Керри, но каждый Трумэн.

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We got out of the dark
But light up.
The whole world under our cap
But you do not know it.
Believe us, this is not nonsense and fairy tales,
The predator left the cave, and he will not be affectionate.
We are everywhere, you just need to open your eyes.
Your geometry teacher is one of us.
No matter how you want you will not be accepted into our composition.
We only spawn monsters.
Howard Lovecraft.
The Illuminati removed their hoods, climbed onto the stage,
Rituals are boring, we want fame and money.
Our symbolism has already been erased before the holes.
You wanted to bury us, but we rebelled.
Another info will blow you a tower specifically.
Grandmas on buses in the morning are our agents.
We are always there, now you believe in it.
I am a real puppeteer among puppets.

Clouds are gathering, and the whole world is sitting at the monitors,
Masons again terrify the city.
We, as we were, are in power.
Eagles spread their wings, and lions opened their mouths.
Clouds are gathering, and the whole world is sitting at the monitors,
Masons again terrify the city.
We hear your every step, we see every look.
Big brother is above you.
Welcome to Hell!

For us, you are like plankton, somewhere in Bikini Bottom,
But don’t worry, you are under the supervision of giants.
The whole world depends on how I get my feet up.
And drafted to spoil the mood for me with comments.
Gold is evil, and being evil is very lousy.
Darn Rockefeller bass for you, we are allowed.
Everything is controlled by the exchange, banks, even your credit.
You already understand who the real Wolf from Wall Street is.
Obama with Putin on occasion.
There will be no war until I want it.
You go to church to hear the Almighty there.
Everything is right - our power is never superfluous.
And at the same time, we live next to you in this world.
It was only written by us, like a television show on the air.
Steeper than the Matrix, of course, Poets, what do you think?
Not every one of you is Jim Carrey, but every Truman.

Clouds are gathering, and the whole world is sitting at the monitors,
Masons again terrify the city.
We, as we were, are in power.
Eagles spread their wings, and lions opened their mouths.
Clouds are gathering, and the whole world is sitting at the monitors,
Masons again terrify the city.
We hear your every step, we see every look.
Big brother is above you.
Welcome to Hell!

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