Текст песни на дух
Обновлено: 06.03.2025
Тексты песен / Б / слова песен Бьянка / На дух не переношу
Перевод текста песни На дух не переношу
Исполнитель: Бьянка
Название: На дух не переношу
I'm not texting you, you know, not because I'm busy.
I haven't been attracted to you for a long time, except when I'm drunk.
Or when I have a meeting at your house.
Or when about you it will remember who the from known.
How many of these "or" on the mobile phone.
We've been through this a lot, remember?
Two in the nightclub, three in the car in the back seat.
4s and 5 and 6 on your birthdays.
The sun is shining outside the window for days in a row.
And I want to write about not loving you anymore.
And sitting at home behind a computer word by word I write.
Under every one of your posts.
That I can't stand you.
Today outside the window as it is especially sad.
And this boredom, Zaya, you're the best alternative.
And I have time for your whims.
Where do you want to be today, top or bottom?
And don't cut the actress, it's not at the box office today.
Just woke up, well, then take your time getting dressed.
We'll put on the love song you like, love snotty.
Although not, know, not will come.
To you, happily!
The sun is shining outside the window for days in a row.
And I want to write about not loving you anymore.
And sitting at home behind a computer word by word I write.
Under every one of your posts.
That I can't stand you.
I told you not to mess with your University.
You know, our meetings are becoming a burden.
And I didn't text you because I don't give a .
Just accept it and don't touch me again.
If I wanted to be with you, I'd put things off.
And then, in my notebook there are other women.
And they also know all not to . the Princess.
That I make love and I have sex with them.
If you love the way you talk.
Why don't you write and call?
Why don't you take care of me?
Because all your love is a lie.
You remember when you were alone.
You remember how much I needed you.
But you had your own business.
And I until morning one crying.
I told you I was busy.
The sun is shining outside the window for days in a row.
And I want to write about not loving you anymore.
And sitting at home behind a computer word by word I write.
Under every one of your posts.
That I can't stand you.
Эта песня от Бьянка также известна под названием А я хочу написать о том, что больше не люблю тебя.
Смотреть видео Бьянка - На дух не переношу на youtube
Отзывы о песне Бьянка - На дух не переношу
А, кстати, никто случайно не знает, что за песня со словами At night, Im trading, gold diamonds for stars??
Ответ: Это же трек Miike Snow Change Your Mind
Хорошо что нашел здесь текст песни На дух не переношу гениального автора Бьянка.
я эту песню запомнил и пою я её всегда… Бьянка это очень круто
Офигенная песня На дух не переношу, крутая метафора, стильный клип, волшебный голос Бьянка
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