Текст песни мы ваще крутые

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Круче кипятка, круче вертикали,
Круче яиц варёных, уберите медали.
В зеркало не смотрюсь, сам себя боюсь,
Костей не перемываю - сразу ломаю.
Одним ударом я ломаю лобовуху,
Череп, сидящего в авто и свою руку.
Пса бойцовского на меня не трави,
Покусаем тебя, мы с ним одной крови.
У меня 45-ый размер обуви при росте 150.
Все кто решался меня обойти скелетами в шкафу висят нагие.

Иду по району, намётанным глазом вычисляю, где можно и сразу.
Вижу навстречу, отлично одет с сумкой шагает мужик средних лет.
Вот он напротив, хочу отработать. Мужчина против - выдвигает резко локоть.
Потом вертушку длинной прямой. Ой ой ой ой ой ой ой ой ой ой.
Чувствую нужно - бью в голову, парень готовый садится на попу.
Беру сумку, шмыг в подъезд.
Там только потное кимоно, да чёрный пояс.
Не, ну нах*й мне это потное кимоно, да это ё*анный чёрный пояс.

by_NicKasN Steeper than boiling water, steeper vertical
Steeper eggs cooked , remove the coin.
In the mirror does not look himself afraid
Bones do not wash up - just racking .
One blow I break lobovuhu ,
Skull sitting in the car and your hand.
Dog Fight on me not the grass,
Bitten you, we had the same blood .
I 45th shoe size with the growth of 150 .
Anyone who dared me to get around the skeletons in the closet hanging naked .

We generally cool ! - We , baby, damn evil .
We generally cool ! - We are 25 and still unmarried.
We generally cool ! - Know the pensioners and blue .
We generally cool ! We generally cool !

My younger brother tupit on a task , he is studying in 8th class.
I graduated 9 years ago , only 7 bad company plus glue.
He is due to tasks that are so frustrated as I've taken in the robbery .
Pity , I think, give help . Tutorial section read by syllable.
The formula put figures to the right place , at midnight did not sleep - decided somehow.
Minor rewrote the finishing , surrendered .
For improper registration - 4 4 . Why ?
Well what can I say , we generally cool !

We generally cool ! - We , baby, damn evil .
We generally cool ! - We are 25 and still unmarried.
We generally cool ! - Know the pensioners and blue .
We generally cool ! We generally cool !

We generally cool ! - Over the top can not be evil devils .
We generally cool ! - If necessary, delay the movable bridges .
We generally cool ! - Be careful not to sign the protocol understood .
We generally cool ! We generally cool !

I go through the area trained eye calculate where you can at once.
See forward, well dressed man with a bag walks a middle-aged .
Here it is on the contrary , I want to work with. Man vs - raised sharply elbow.
Then the chopper long straight . Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh .
Feel the need to - beat in the head , the guy sits ready on the ass .
I take the bag, sniffing the porch .
There's just sweaty kimono , but a black belt .
No, well, nah * ck me sweaty kimono , but it is e * anny a black belt .

We generally cool ! - Over the top can not be evil devils .
We generally cool ! - If necessary, delay the movable bridges .
We generally cool ! - Be careful not to sign the protocol understood .
We generally cool ! We generally cool !

We generally cool !

We generally cool ! Well time with the simple mind .
We generally cool ! We are not all we're cool .
We generally cool ! Can not be the main evil devils .
We generally cool ! Cutlets eat raw !
You're Th , fool? Worms will also be .
-Not to be !

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