Текст песни мы теперь семья

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Нас познакомила игра,
Была горячая пора:
Познали мы людскую ложь,
Кто виноват - не разберешь.

А здесь игра, а здесь "БК",
И свитков жар, и взмах клинка.
Повержен враг и снова в бой
Идем мы вместе всей семьей.

Мы помним тех, кто с нами был,
Кто радость дружбы нам дарил,
Кто с нами был в тяжелый час,
Нам очень не хватает вас.

И не на шутку шла борьба,
Но вот сплотила нас судьба.
Не получилось нас согнуть,
Избрали мы свой "серый" путь.

The game introduced us
It was a hot time:
We have known human lies
Who is to blame - you will not understand.

And here is the game, and here is BK,
And the heat of the scrolls, and the swing of the blade.
The enemy is defeated and again in battle
We are walking together with the whole family.

Now we are together, we are friends
This must not be forgotten.
Any of us: both you and I -
We are together, we are one family!

We remember those who were with us,
Who gave us the joy of friendship
Who was with us in a difficult hour,
We really miss you.

And the fight was in earnest
But fate united us.
Couldn't bend us
We have chosen our "gray" path.

Now we are together, we are friends
This must not be forgotten.
Any of us: both you and I -
We are together, we are one family!

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