Текст песни морги если ты в заложниках

Обновлено: 23.02.2025


Тексты песен / S / слова песен STED.D / Моргни, если ты в заложниках

Перевод текста песни Моргни, если ты в заложниках

Исполнитель: STED.D
Название: Моргни, если ты в заложниках

Regular. Birthday

I sit on the edge of the abyss, walking the body

I imagine falling into a cold gorge

. nightmare, it's only Monday

The universe doesn't believe in us

Yes, I could have been an astronaut, but I didn't get out of bed

I am the eternal prisoner of this cradle

Kakrebenok, left podkrovatnym monstramna devouring

You can run away from yourself, but not a feather or a fluff

I give a concert in my native city and fly over my nest like a cuckoo

Leaving a carbon footprint

I'll catch it in a jar, show off to my grandchildren

It is unlikely that something big will break out God

I thought I was worth a lot, but I'm nothing

Inside of me, something is glowing and glowing

That normal people are drugged and don't wince

I look in the mirror-blink if you're a hostage

And I'll never get out of here

From this angle, the eyes are one plea for help

And later I will stay, already out of principle

Someone else is looking from the back of the glass

And I scream without opening my mouth

And a lump in the throat, closing the gate, will block the larynx

I feel like I sold my soul, but I don't remember when

Inside me, behind the veil, bleeding

A black, fearful raven waits for its wings to grow stronger

I nervously went through all the ways to remember

But I've never been able to become someone that others see me as

I will never be like this

And so that it does not hurt, it is easier to send . everyone

I often think how cool it would be to fall out of the window

And see the old world from an unusual angle

Not enough strength

See your world in these bright colors

Feel the life

But there's nothing inside

And the time

Mercilessly flies into nowhere

Monsters under the bed are fighting in the corner, no one believes in them

I thought I'd have their problems.

Then I realized that we shared the burden

And all that is measured to us is the path of Halley's comet

But my whole life is groundhog day

Every new day with a clean slate

Yes, something is wrong, I don't remember yesterday

I did not die, but I rose again in the arms of Christ

The world suffocates me, but I grow in it like a cyst

Отзывы о песне STED.D - Моргни, если ты в заложниках

Посмотрел видео на песню Моргни, если ты в заложниках. Безмерно впечатлен группой STED.D

лайк если поешь Моргни, если ты в заложниках. STED.D просто гений >)

Сегодня на улице слышала песню со словами Just let me love you when your heart is tired, кто знает что за песня?

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