Текст песни мияги ждешь

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

или чуть больше ваще братан я начал хоть не зря?
думал о будущем о детях подрастёт жена
и в головные боли) в силу обстоятельств брат
под рукой слова дяди а он как автомат

готов за родного а ты сиди и втыкай о написанном
я сингл накачу но вряд ли буду в городе признанным
нам подавай коммерческий подход
когда тёлочки в тачку когда баба течёт

харэ базару вар питаться грязью и давать продукт?
спроси меня я в этом деле вася выбил фрукт
а ты вялый банан растение сиди на хате
увижу день в панаме но это тут не кстати

припев 2р Again a question under the guise of an answer
I'll spend the morning in bed without scorching for a while
long habits grin teeth mom what should I do
mom, as always, with questions and what is this

Is it necessary to let into the soul of those whom I consider necessary?
how many crow will obedient obedient overhead
it's not a load fell on your back emphasize listen
I lost my relatives but time in my opinion strangles

step back enough \\\ light smoke settles closer to summer
you know what a fucking buzz to have your planet
not even in the know but dreaming is not harmful
at the prices of beavers a sect sits in a pocket

poor life grow big so as not to see the edges
I hid the seed from the patients while he was healing while running away
cola and brand tivi patient show war
when the light in the window will inspire a happy end
In the meantime, \\\ forces in the battle mom I'm not alone
and there are no more who believe again
we \\\ campaign are no longer those that fucking before
have to hide lie and suffer

my album doesn’t have to wait
I will soon get spoiled in records and I will plump
according to the text \\\ sit in the edge stump sho dalben
andy is almost ready well edge a couple of weeks

or a little more finally bro I started at least not in vain?
I thought about the future about children, my wife will grow up
and headaches) due to circumstances brother
at hand are the words of uncle and he is like an automaton

ready for the native and you sit and stick about what is written
I’ll pump up a single, but I’m unlikely to be recognized in the city
give us a commercial approach
when heifers in a wheelbarrow when a woman flows

hare bazaar var eat mud and give the product?
ask me in this matter Vasya knocked out fruit
and you sluggish banana plant sit on a hut
I’ll see a day in Panama, but that’s not the point

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