Текст песни ландыши клюшки

Обновлено: 23.02.2025

У-мама, ландыши, ландыши, тюльпаны-ландыши
Первые в мае цветы
Ландыши, ландыши, тюльпаны-ландыши
Первые в мае цветы.

Yes boys girls evening under the seeds
Inventing new superhit
Yard song about love Bedova
What lies beneath the heart of each .

Masha and the home - Come quickly !
I , Mom!

U- Mom , lilies , lilies , tulips , lilies of the valley
First flowers in May
Lilies of the valley , tulips , lilies of the valley
First flowers in May .

Song pours over the edge, all shouting: " Come on ! "
Hey , DJ louder Charge
This song is fashionable , trendy , popular
About flowers dreams and the month of May .

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