Текст песни коловрат абсурдистан

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

В социуме быдла личности всегда ущемлены,
Общество дегенератов поглощает их.
Деньги вместо веры, вместо принципов рассчёт,
Честь и долг-химеры, вот придумали ещё.
Я в конфликте с внешним миром, окружающим меня,
Не могу себя заставить свою сущность поменять.
Не хочу сливаться с массой, плыть как все я не хочу,
И за право быть вне стаи свою цену я плачу.

Современная реальность так комфортна большинству,
Даже многим тем, кто видит себя среди "бунтарей".
Ты кладёшь Перуну требу, а он молится Христу,
Но почти все мы "в системе", интегрированы в ней.

Не врать себе - быть может, стоит просто с этого начать?
А боль внутри, её порой не замолчать.
Иллюзий нет, мы на краю у пропасти,
Искать ответ: успеем ли мы всё спасти?

Встать одной стеной, противоречия преодолеть,
Многие границы, что мы сами провели себе, стереть,
Лишь вперёд смотреть, прошлое оставив за спиной,
Дальше будь, что будет, но у нас дороги нет иной.

Сбросить плен сомнений, и сражаться как последний раз,
Вспомнив о героях, что с небес глядят на нас сейчас.
Сможем ли отбросить всё, что нам способно помешать,
Чтоб свободы общей вместе воздухом одним дышать?

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Everything is forbidden and even thoughts are now "crime",
Here the dictate of censorship silences those who disagree.
The truth was distorted by the reflection of crooked mirrors
In the cursed dense kingdom of dope, lies and darkness.
Totalitarianism ruthlessly brainwashed the people
Will paralyzed, turned into indifferent.
And for those he did not keep silent, did not betray his ideas,
The flywheel of repression launched its terrible conveyor belt.

Where to go when you can no longer see the path ahead?
And is it possible to accept what cannot be changed?
How to maintain harmony with yourself inside?
And how to fight, knowing you are unlikely to win?
Manage to find the truth in the ocean of falsehood,
Find your way to your dream in the labyrinths of life!
To find ideals and embody in reality,
Keeping the conscience as pure as the soul.

In society, trash individuals are always disadvantaged,
The degenerate society consumes them.
Money instead of faith, instead of principles of calculation,
Honor and duty are chimeras, they came up with more .
I'm in conflict with the outside world around me
I can't force myself to change my essence.
I don't want to merge with the mass, I don't want to swim like everyone else,
And I pay my price for the right to be out of the pack.

I am not rich, but I breathe the air of my freedom,
I may be weak, but I don’t ask the "strong of the world".
I gave everything to keep going forward
My words and my deed will not die.
Don't give up hope and stick to your roots
Do not be discouraged, be higher and be stronger!
You are a stranger, you are strange, incomprehensible, alien to the crowd,
You cannot understand them and they cannot understand who you are.

Worldview conflict, antagonism of ideas leaves no hope for me!
It's dangerous to be right when the state is wrong
I want to believe that someone will pick up the banner that will be torn from our hands.

Modern reality is so comfortable for most
Even to many of those who see themselves among the "rebels".
You put a demand to Perun, and he prays to Christ,
But almost all of us are "in the system", integrated into it.

We work and pay the state our rent,
Our children go to schools, "tolerance lesson".
Questions, no answers, paradox, dead end, collapse?
After all, we are fighting the "system", and the "system" is among us .

Don't lie to yourself - maybe you should just start with this?
And the pain inside, it sometimes does not shut up.
No illusions, we are on the edge of the abyss
Search for the answer: will we have time to save everything?

Stand as one wall, overcome contradictions,
To erase many boundaries that we have drawn ourselves
Just look forward, leaving the past behind,
Then come what may, but we have no other way.

Throw away the captivity of doubt and fight like the last time
Remembering the heroes that are looking at us from heaven now.
Can we throw away everything that can hinder us,
So that the freedom to breathe the same air together?

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