Текст песни хальмг тангч солнг

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Hәәrtә hazrm, buurl teegm / dear homeland, my brown steppe
Cheeҗm halulad bәәnәch. / Greesh my soul
Mini sansn Sanan Chamlou, / All the thoughts of you
Mini sәәhn Doorne Chamlou! / My love with you
Alhn deerәn taalad өsgsn / Throw up your arms skyward:
Evrә hazrasn өөrhn vrai & Quot; there is nothing closer to his native land! & Quot;
AAV-eeҗ zayasn zhirhlәn / ancestors of this life
Amulң-Mend tsuhar edliya! / All will live happily!
Khalmg teegin shovudyn duunla / Together with the birds singing Kalmyk steppe
Halun zүrkin duudvr soңgsiya! / Will hear the call of the heart!
Alhn deerәn taalad өsgsn / Throw up your arms skyward:
Evrә hazrasn өөrhn vrai & Quot; there is nothing closer to his native land! & Quot;

Mini hazr hantshn chamdan / Fatherland, my only you
Kүslin Zalyan neryadzh bәәnәv! / You dedicate this flash of desire!
Mini-sedkl өrgn buurl tag, & gt; 2d. / My soul - wide brown steppe,
Mini-zүrkn Khalmg hazrt! & Gt; 2d. / My heart is in the Kalmyk steppe!

Sүl әmskhүl kүrtlәn End! / Are you going to be here until the last * what ??
Sәәhn chamlahan bәәnәv bi!
Eңkr hazrin ahar arshalnav / air sweet land me freshen
End-HACH zhirhilәn chilәnәv! / Year until the end of his will to live here
Alhn deerәn taalad өsgsn / Throw up your arms skyward:
Evrә hazrasn өөrhn vrai & Quot; there is nothing closer to his native land! & Quot;

Mini hazr hantshn chamdan
Kүslin Zalyan neryadҗ bәәnәv!
Mini sedkl- өrgn buurl tag
Mini zүrkn- Khalmg hazrt! 2 d.

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