Текст песни фотографии военных лет

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

ПРИПЕВ: Корейское небо, вьетнамское небо
Афганское небо, где только ты не был
Мы жили беспечно, наград не просили
Ушедшие в вечность – Солдаты России
Ушедшие в вечность – Солдаты России

ПРИПЕВ: Днестровское небо, таджикское небо
Чеченское небо, где только ты не был
Мы жили беспечно, наград не просили
Ушедшие в вечность – Солдаты России
Ушедшие в вечность … Photos of the war years ,
Front forties eyes!
And unbidden tear runs .
Oh, how I was young , my grandfather !

CHORUS: Spanish sky, the Mongolian sky , the German sky !
We lived carelessly , awards were not asked , gone into eternity Russian soldiers !

2. Over Avganom wind blows evil ,
Fresh krovushkoy heights soars !
With a gun, on the armor stands
My father, who was once a young
Beat the bullet did not raise a person
And mercilessly mowed lead
A snapshot with smiles , my once young father !

CHORUS: Korean sky , the Vietnamese sky
Afghan skies , where only you were not
We lived carelessly , awards were not asked
Gone into eternity - Soldiers of Russia
Gone into eternity - Soldiers of Russia

3. We who have not seen Berlin in flames
Spends the last century
Became familiar Christmas snow
On the graves of young men
New pain sprouted Chechnya
Our peers in fire and hell!
Not returned from the war, my brother,
From looking at the photos of me!

CHORUS: Dnistrovske sky, Tajik sky
Chechen sky, where only you were not
We lived carelessly , awards were not asked
Gone into eternity - Soldiers of Russia
Gone into eternity .

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