Текст песни fire maringo
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
The lyrics talk of putting a man below in irons, in a ship's hold. They are actually about securing (him) a cargo of cotton shipped. Cotton is dangerous flammable cargo. It is shipped internationally.
Maringo -ship's name. Fire - the command to open fire, to shoot with cannons.
Liverpool is in the UK. It is the home of a major shipyard.
"Passing a line" means to toss, or hand a line to secure a rope to something (or someone in this case). It implies a relationship pending.
Haul her high and haul her low. Literally means to lift and lower sails. But figuratively it can be dancing or more intimate connotations.
Bust her blocks and make her go. Literally means to release pulleys and let rope lines slack. Figuratively it would be to break her inhibitions and more.
Pretty little craft - a small trim boat. Good lines and has a good cut in the water. The most beautiful thing to sailors.
Hot shot to the fore (refers to her front features), Rounded aft (refers to her bottom features).
Hilo Town - Hilo, Hawaii
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