Слова песни пропаганда мин нет

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

С утра до ночи по телеку полная фигня
В нашей школе на мозги давят нам учителя,
Мол не ходите туда и не ходите сюда,
Иначе в сами приключится большая беда,

И что гуляющий степенно по аллее старик
На самом деле маскированный Аль-Каеды боевик
И что его с продуктами катомка
На самом деле ядерная бомба

Мы за спокойствие этого города
Усама Бен Ладену выбреем бороду,
А если к нам спустится горный боец,
Мы просто-напросто двинем в торец

And home I should not come back late at night ,
Because I just finish the
Someone will come out of the bushes ,
Take out something from his pants ,
And beneath round moon
Suddenly chase me

Yes, I'm tired just listening to this crap ,
These lamentations soaked my ears
I will not tolerate it!
I will not be silent !
We want each and every one say out loud :

Who wants to scare us , Nuka all in the garden!
We are going to kick ass who want
And all the questions - one answer:
This is our territory , where there are no mines !

From morning till night on TV full garbage
In our school on the brain crush us teachers
Supposedly do not go in there and do not go here ,
Otherwise befall themselves in great trouble ,

And walking sedately down the avenue old
Actually masked Al-Qaeda militant
And what is it with the products katomka
In fact, the nuclear bomb

And you can not go straight , it is necessary to make a detour
And that has long been mined each staircase
I will not tolerate it!
I will not be silent !
We want each and every one say out loud :

Who wants to scare us , Nuka all in the garden!
We are going to kick ass who want
All questions - one answer:
This is our territory , where there are no mines !

We are for peace of this city
Osama Bin Laden vybreem beard
And if we go down the mountain fighter
We simply will move to the end

That was not an excuse and not be tempted to
Do their dirty tricks here with impunity
To all spoke a thousand years
This is our territory , where there are no mines !

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