Слова песни где то в небесах

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

И отчаянно втроём,
Через небо напролом,
Как на рваных парусах.
Мы то вверх, то снова вниз,
На кону всего лишь жизнь,
Наши судьбы на весах.
Где-то в небесах.

Живы оба, не убиты,
Хоть по мне влупили точно.
И орёт им тётя "Рита",
Чтоб на воздух вышли срочно.
Эти двое как на мине,
Велика цена задержки,
Но плечом к плечу в кабине,
Держат ручки, а не держки.
Не хватаются за держки.

На войне как на войне,
Даже если ты в огне,
Надо верить в чудеса.
Что бы ни было держись,
И тогда не смерть, а жизнь
Перевесит на весах,
Где-то в небесах,
Где-то в небесах,
Где-то в небесах. August air melted
Clouds turned to flee ,
I filled to capacity
And suspended all means .
And for birds siren wails ,
Caponiers emptied ,
Smells in the air war,
So the world is not up to the world.
The world is clearly not up to the world!

Now seems to night
I hard day looms .
I'm not a knife , but I sharpened
Under the military tasks .
Kohl summit faces big
Did not find a reason for the world ,
Could not agree ,
I mean - the last argument .
I am now the last resort !

And with me on a par
These two, that in me .
Time to "H " at all hours !
Arrows not only decide
How we fly and live.
Our fate in the balance .
Somewhere in heaven.

Three of us adrenaline
Adds suspense .
Sparing no kerosene
I lick the area .
Somewhere near the enemy ,
I is not up to the vagaries ,
Turn on the main switch,
We turn off all who bottom.
Turn off those who are below !

We trace of fire and thunder
Snaps surface
Contingent and there is not a miss -
Increases our mortality.
And these two in the cockpit ,
For devices look grimly ,
I like very ill :
Cough , fever , temperature.
Cough , fever , temperature !

And desperate way,
Through the sky ahead,
How to torn sails.
We go up and down again
At stake is the only life
Our fate in the balance .
Somewhere in heaven.

Both alive , not killed
Though for me vlupil accurately.
And he yells Aunt " Rita "
That came on the air immediately .
These two are like a mine ,
Great price delay
But shoulder to shoulder in the cockpit,
Keep a pen and not support.
Not enough for support.

How I want the squadron ,
Even if the disability .
I do not fold the wings,
And me sweep .
Return from the battlefield ,
Suppose we hardly moving ,
But in the cockpit these two,
Believe that we will be back .
Will definitely be back .
We will be back

In war as in war,
Even if you're on fire,
We must believe in miracles.
Whatever hold ,
And if not death, but life
Outweigh the balance,
Somewhere in heaven ,
Somewhere in heaven ,
Somewhere in the heavens .

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