Шоферская песня круг текст

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Go, sing songs , listen to the motor
And he sings together with me , he is swift songs
Svetku remembered as she lifted her skirt draft
And I'm the fifth kerf and if not seen

Outside the window, the river runs , beyond the river meadow
A Svetku waits too far from what her dear friend
Bremsstrahlung fontanelle in descent under the mountain
You taste the Svetochka vodichki key

Sveta rides , water drinking , sideways glances
About the driver's habitation to the fort says
Good driver, wherever you want ed
A teacher is only a table and look at the notebook

I did not tell her , to persuade
If other does not have to rush to roll
But , since then steer flowers fall off
The driver that steal, will seize the cops

And along the routes here and there edud driver
At night stand one hundred grams , and the road in the morning
And shakes on the gimbal life year after year
Snow road sweep , rain flood

The mood picked up an old poster
Someone has written many years ago
Do not forget , would podnalit , paints bring
Two word warm : & quot; Bon Voyage & quot;

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