Расстройство эмоций текст песни

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / M / слова песен Murda Killa / Расстройство эмоций

Перевод текста песни Расстройство эмоций

Murda Killa

Исполнитель: Murda Killa
Название: Расстройство эмоций

Eight tables instead of two I hear color and see sound

Reflected in the window of the bar black and white bow

Don't look at my face

Don't look for my phone

If you sat next to me on the subway

Take another car.

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

The wall flew an ipod, . the important things

The whole weekend is not adequate

All over again

Poltergeists in my house keep me up at night

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

Don't look at my face

Don't look for my phone

If you sat next to me on the subway

Take another car.

I'm oozing Haight, you'll smell this fight

. everything and . everyone

. the friendship with the head

I feel no boundaries, but I know what the joke is.

Fendi watch upon my wrist, to the veins of haloperidol

I have a personal view, I do not fumble for another

In a pack of twisted charge, blue over his head

Irresponsible asshole, shameless autistic

Life is a . mess, every day is a white sheet

Every day like a white sheet

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

Don't look at my face

Don't look for my phone

If you sat next to me on the subway

Take another car.

Thump in lonely is this normal

Dripping drool on the rug in the bathroom

See through their antics and secrets

Feel free to call me weird

Fors and sweater torn

Shut the . up.

I'm shivering on the cold floor while you're with the hookers in the bedroom.

I have a personal view, I do not fumble for another

In a pack of twisted charge, blue over his head

Don't look at my face

Don't look for my phone

If you sat next to me on the subway

Take another car.

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

Don't look at my face

Don't look for my phone

If you sat next to me on the subway

Take another car.

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

It's not funny. I'm going crazy again.

Don't look at my face

Don't look for my phone

If you sat next to me on the subway

Take another car.

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Отзывы о песне Murda Killa - Расстройство эмоций

А, кстати, никто случайно не знает, что за песня со словами I'm afraid you don't love me anymore??

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