Радуйся святая дева песня слова
Обновлено: 06.03.2025
О, Всепетая Царица,
Прими нашу любовь,
Воспевать Тебя мы будем
Пением священных слов.
Святая Русь в измены пала,
И Царь Небес благославил,
Чтоб Царь земной измены жало
Своею смертью искупил.
Россия, плачь в стране далече
Сама отрекшись от Отца,
Прийди в себя, твой плен не вечен,
И верной станешь до конца.
Не унывай, не падай духом:
Господь рассеет царство тьмы,
И вновь прилежным, чутким слухом
Наш русский гимн услышим мы.
И снова Царь, Отец наш славный
На прародительский Свой трон
Взойдет, как встарь, Самодержавный,
Сынов сзывая на поклон.
Oh, All-Queen,
Accept our love
We will sing you
Singing sacred words.
Hail, Holy Virgin,
Hail holy Mother!
You deserve with God
Wives of all more grace.
For the works of Your saints
And for all your love
We will sing you
Singing sacred words.
You are the Queen of the whole world
And the mistress of the earth,
Patroness of sinners
And Intercessor of Russia.
You come to us with emotion
On the day of His holy feast
You come with a blessing
Be our mother native
For the holy visit
And for all your love
We will sing you
Singing sacred words.
And again the King!
Tolerance is acceptable to Christ,
Humble feat of faith mil
Penetration Christ of the Lord
Holy Russia enlightened:
Holy Russia fell in treason,
And the King of Heaven blessed,
That the king of earth treachery sting
His death redeemed.
Russia, cry in the country far away
Renouncing the Father herself,
Come to yourself, your captivity is not eternal,
And you will be faithful to the end.
And in a miserable rags, nude,
To the feet of the great King
Fall in tears, dear country,
Shame of remorse of grief!
And the king will say, in the mouth, kissing
His traitor-daughter:
'I forgave you all, my dear
And I came to help you myself. ”
'Do not cry, forget the old coves;
I will be with you to the end
Bring your cross, your chains
And the sorrow of the crown of thorns! '
Cheer up, do not be discouraged:
The Lord will scatter the kingdom of darkness
And again diligent, sensitive hearing
We will hear our Russian anthem.
And again the King, our glorious Father
On his ancestral throne
Rise, as of old, Autocratic,
Sons calling on bow.
Sons blessing the kingdom
Our Christ is glorious and great!
Risen Russia, let it be:
Like in heaven and on earth.
(According to the verses of S. Bekhteev)
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