Песня про дрель текст

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

Pliers - funny tool.
Anything seized on the moment.
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Pliers - funny tool!
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Pliers - funny tool!

Here screwdriver - a cool tool!
Anything unscrew the moment.
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Oh, screwdriver - a cool tool!
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Oh, screwdriver - a cool tool!

Hammer - dray tool!
He will score anything at the moment.
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Hammer - dray tool!
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Hammer - dray tool!

Drill - generally plague tool!
Nasverlit hundred holes in the moment.
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Drill - generally plague tool!
Just take care of your fingers!
Fingers dorogѝ people.
Drill - generally plague tool!

Fingers dórogi people, dórogi, dórogi,
Dórogi, dórogi instead dorogѝ.

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