Песня о сталинградской битве текст

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Здесь вел огонь с железом спор,
Оставив свой зловещий след.
Таких сражений до сих пор,
Ещё не видел белый свет.
Час кульминации настал,
Ты слышал, город, каждый стон,
В котле кипела даже сталь
И рассыпался в прах бетон.

Сомкнулось грозное кольцо,
Не видел мир таких колец.
И русский ветер бил в лицо,
Как сверх расплавленный свинец.
Фельдмаршал Паулюс-стратег,
Но в этот миг всё понял он.
И потемнел наш белый снег
От черных вражеских знамен.

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Все тексты Владимир Михайлов >>>

Cold snow blinding ,
There seemed no end to the blizzard .
Machinery creaked brakes
Pounded furiously heart.
But walked doggedly to the east
Columns of enemy soldiers.
Calculation of Hitler simple
Bulldoze Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad , Battle of Stalingrad !
Her secrets stores darkened granite.
Itva Stalingrad , the Battle of Stalingrad !
No, nothing is forgotten and no one is forgotten !

There was shooting with iron dispute
Leaving his ominous mark .
Such battles so far,
Have not seen the white light.
Hour climax came,
Did you hear the city, every groan ,
The boiler was in full swing even steel
And concrete crumbled into dust .

The Battle of Stalingrad , Battle of Stalingrad !
Her secrets stores darkened granite.
Itva Stalingrad , the Battle of Stalingrad !
No, nothing is forgotten and no one is forgotten !

Closed in a formidable ring
World has ever seen such rings.
And Russian wind hit in the face,
As excess molten lead .
Field Marshal Paulus strategist,
But at the moment all he knew .
And darkened our white snow
Enemy of the black banners .

The Battle of Stalingrad , Battle of Stalingrad !
Her secrets stores darkened granite.
Itva Stalingrad , the Battle of Stalingrad !
No, nothing is forgotten and no one is forgotten !

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