Перевод на русский слов песни миссисипи о майн рида поль робсон

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

шестнадцать тонн
достались тебе,
снова день
воплотился в судьбе,
твой ангел позвонил,
но трубку не взять,
ты должен идти на работу опять.

..the Lord created people from mud somehow,
but he turned the clay into good flesh,
good flesh was created by him,
she is weak and she is strong,

sixteen tons
got you
day again
embodied in destiny
your angel called
but don't pick up the phone,
you have to go to work again

and somewhere the sun of bright skies is shining,
but you again climbed into the mine with a shovel,
sixteen tons - you are like mud from coal,
God save you and mother - native land,

sixteen tons
got you
day again
embodied in destiny
your angel called
but don't pick up the phone,
you have to go to work again

and . you go . and you have to be on the sidelines,
otherwise time will not heal completely,
solid flesh . strength is in fists .
and coal, mud and clay, and the Lord in heaven,

sixteen tons
got you
day again
embodied in destiny
your angel called
but don't pick up the phone,
you have to go to work again

and rain and dirt entered the hour of your birth
and clay, as a base, became destiny,
strong people were raised from the mine,
and on the coal lay a heap of your clay,

sixteen tons
got you
day again
embodied in destiny
your angel called
but don't pick up the phone,
you have to go to work again .

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