Отпечаток текст песни limba

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Перевод текста песни Отпечаток

Исполнитель: The Limba
Название: Отпечаток

I don't think you

Could write me,

But I need you again

I didn't see you there

In a crowd of bad people,

But you left first

I just need you.

Baby how to find you

I need you. Ahhh.

I need you. Ahhh.

Where to find you

You won't come

I've passed

There where with you we in past

Once I was looking for,

But you're not famous

Your closed act

What's interesting?

It was getting dark so fast

I called your name so affectionately

Your face white past flew as

Bright color

I'm in the dark with myself

Trying to remember your face

All as in water,

And I forgot only only emotions

I don't think you

Could write me,

But I need you again

I didn't see you there

In a crowd of bad people,

But you left first

I just need you.

Baby how to find you

I need you Aaaah

I need you Aaaah

Only you, only you

You can change everything here

All codes, all codes

Apply to me

Into the darkness,

In the darkness without you, I don't want

It was getting dark so fast

I called your name so affectionately

Your face white past flew as

Bright color

I'm in the dark with myself

Trying to remember your face

All as in water,

And I forgot only only emotions

I don't think you

Could write me,

But I need you again

I didn't see you there

In a crowd of bad people,

But you left first

I just need you.

Baby how to find you

I need you Aaaah

I need you Aaaah

Эта песня от Limba, The также известна под названием Но ты первая ушла.

Видео The Limba - Отпечаток на youtube

Отзывы о песне The Limba - Отпечаток

классно! мой двоюродный брат обожает эту песню. Limba, The – форева.

Совсем недавно открыл для себя творчество Limba, The. Оказалось, что это мощнейший антидепрессант. Спасибо.

Кто последнее время напевает Отпечаток палец вверх!

В такси услышал трек со словами …Nothing ever seems to change round here… никто не знает что за исполнитель?

Ответ: Думаю не ошибусь, если предположу, что это Downstream Benny Sings.

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