Ой садра пахчара чувашская песня текст

Обновлено: 22.01.2025

Pyrene Twansem Nome Mar,
Searly Hearty Pulla.
Sarh Chernich Pullas and
Атэл чжрне єчітіччен.

Oh, sadra, butterfly
Sarah Kayg Yegar.
Sarah Kayek Yegar and
Epirus kunda hinar.
Oh, peg, garden patch,
Yeri brands smile.
Yırı brand smell you
Pyrene twanse chun çççi.

Quakal is looking for a kid,
Khuppl drinks kumakara,
Khupplu pіnі maіпе thі
Kilse Kuras terěměr.

Khammala clears the carrot
The dog is katakara.
Сэра йянн майепе те
Kilse Kuras terěměr.

Pyrn tăvansem kămăllă,
Achilles teelel.
Twansem laig maepe te
Kilse Kuras terěměr.

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