Несущие слово песня текст

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Те, кто отрекся от Трона,
Кто Слово предал свое,
В кровь окунули знамена,
Жизнь кинув на острие.

Предали себя и братьев,
И в Хаос торили путь.
В книги вписали проклятье,
Проклятьем себе взяв суть.

Как настом песок кровь скрыла,
Спеклась от варпа огня.
Орудия жаждой взвыли
И небо скрыла зола.

Осколки пели в разрывах,
Снаряды ткали узор,
Присяга в душе погибла,
Добру шепча приговор.

They betrayed themselves and their brothers,
And in Chaos, the path was torn.
In the books they wrote a curse,
He took the essence with a curse.

The Word Bearers came
A nightmare of perishing evil!
The Word Bearers came,
Burning the bodies of the brothers!
The Word Bearers came
And the dark night was the day!
The Word Bearers came,
Bringing a shadow to Chaos!

As a tinge of sand, blood concealed,
Searched from the warp of fire.
The guns howled with thirst
And the sky concealed the ashes.

The fragments sang in tears,
Shells wove a pattern,
The oath in the soul was lost,
Do good whispering verdict.

The Word Bearers came
A nightmare of perishing evil!
The Word Bearers came,
Burning the bodies of the brothers!
The Word Bearers came
And the dark night was the day!
The Word Bearers came,
Bringing a shadow to Chaos!

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